Women’s Center Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of the Women’s Center was created as a way to enable and encourage participation of students, staff and faculty in the process of achieving the goals outlined in our mission statement.

Join Us

If you are interested in joining one of the Advisory Board committees, please contact
Kathleen Holgerson at kathleen.holgerson@uconn.edu or 860-486-4738.

100 Years of Women Scholarship Committee

This committee shall be responsible for publicizing, screening, and awarding the 100 Years of Women Scholarship annually.

Cultural Competence Committee

This committee is charged with identifying areas for enhancement related to the intersection between cultural competence and gender equity and advocating for the implementation of relevant skills building and technical assistance activities to build capacity in those areas.

Fundraising/Alumni Engagement Committee

This committee is charged with overseeing the implementation of fundraising activities and opportunities to engage alumni/ae to reconnect with the Center.

New Women Faculty Luncheon Host Committee

This committee provides assistance with this annual event, which is intended to create an opportunity for new faculty to meet other new faculty; to begin to create networks for faculty within and across disciplines/departments; to provide an overview of the programs and   services of the Women’s Center; and to identify strategies to support women scholars.  Members will provide input into the content of the program(s), contact invitees to encourage their attendance at events, and attend the event(s) and discuss the programs and services of the Women’s Center and other resources for faculty.

Women’s Affinity Group Committee

This committee plans the quarterly programs of the Women’s Affinity Group, which is a networking/discussion series that is for all women in our community, across various identities (demographics, roles at the University, departments and disciplines, etc.). The focus will be on how gender matters in our professional and personal lives, and will include development activities such as workshops, networking events, speakers, etc. For more information, please contact Kathleen.Holgerson@uconn.edu

Women’s Advance Planning Committee

This committee shall be responsible for planning and publicizing the annual Women’s Advance Conference.