We Are Here For You

We know the recent discussion about sexual assault on campus may be triggering for some folks, and some of you may also have questions and need to process. We just wanted to let you all know that the staff in the Women’s Center are here to talk through anything that may come up. As a reminder, the Women’s Center staff are exempt employees, which means we will only report the information shared with us to the University if the student and/or Employee requests that the information be shared (or unless someone is in imminent risk of serious harm or a minor).

The Women’s Center assists victims/survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and all forms of gender-based violence, regardless of gender identity/expression. Our focus is to provide a safe setting, as well as information and support that will help empower victims/survivors to make informed choices about next steps and what feels most healing for them.  Our staff contacts are available at https://draft.womenscenter2024.uconn.edu/about-us/meet-the-staff/

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